The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

First of all, let me apologise for the late posting of this blog. I underestimated the time it would take me to whittle down the number of Very Inspiring Bloggers out there to fifteen. To be honest, at first I thought it might be difficult to find fifteen, but once I got down to the task I found dozens.

I was nominated for this award a while ago by Mary, who writes Walking my path: Mindful wanderings in nature. I am honoured by this gesture of recognition by Mary and I would certainly have nominated her for the ‘Very Inspiring Blogger Award’ if she hadn’t nominated me first.

Mary’s blogs, as the name suggests, are her accounts of walking in nature and she manages to create an almost meditative mood through her writing. She makes some great observation about animals and birds … particularly geese! I love reading her blogs because I feel as though I’ve been on the walks with her.

As my blog is very new, I am still learning the ropes and have much tweaking to do. So, I am delighted to accept this award and thrilled to be thought of as a very inspiring blogger. Thank you very much, Mary!

The rules

  1. Display the award on your blog.
  2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
  3. State seven things about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 bloggers, link back to them and notify them about their nominations.


Seven things about me

  1. I am originally from the UK but now live in Western Australia.
  2. I must have some gypsy blood in me because I feel more at home when I’m not at home.
  3. I enjoy hiking for days on end with everything I need in my backpack (ok, so maybe I’ve not got gypsy blood, maybe I’m just weird!)
  4. I have been belly dancing for over 20 years.
  5. I am an artist.
  6. I am attempting to write children’s picture books.
  7. I have always loved to write – this could be because I have a stammer, so expressing myself through the written word was always easier for me.

My nominations of fifteen Very Inspiring Bloggers

Although following the rules for the award is very time consuming, and the fifteen people I nominate are under no pressure to accept, the following people are, in my eyes, Very Inspiring Bloggers. The blogs are listed in alphabetical order. In most cases the tag lines describe the theme of the blog, but I recommend you visit them all and find out for yourself what the blog is about.

  1. 4 a.m. fresh: What life looks like before the rooster crows
  2. Art to self
  3. Best hikes, treks, tramps in the world
  4. Cauldrons and crockpots
  5. Faraday’s Candle: It’s an amazing world of science … let’s go exploring
  6. Guide to awakening your inner self: Begin your creative journey today
  7. Halcyonnature: Learning and writing about the natural spaces around me
  8. Jewel Starlight – Astrologer
  9. Life after money: My brilliant life, on a pension
  10. More than enough: Flourishing through simplicity
  11. Moxie & epoxy: Exploring while getting paid
  12. On purpose: Living a happy life
  13. People Passionate
  14. Perelincolors: Travel advice and impressions of a colorful world
  15. Traveloops: Travel humor and a celebration of travel missteps, mishaps and misadventures

4 thoughts on “The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  1. Cate,

    Thank you so much for the nomination! I will be posting my list as soon as possible. Currently catching up as I just finished an amazing hike on the Napali Coast of Kauai. I will make my list soon, and you will surely be included!

    Thanks again,


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